@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009604, author = {越智, 剛敬 and 山口, 仁宏 and 小西, 元美 and 秋澤, 俊史 and 若宮, 建昭}, issue = {41}, journal = {近畿大学理工学部研究報告, Journal of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kinki University}, month = {Sep}, note = {Marinoic acid (1), which is a novel bufadienolide-related substance in the skin of the giant toad (Bufomarinus), was isolated and the structure was determined by Akizawa et al. in 1996. Like bufadienolides, marinoic acid (1) contains an A/B ring structure in the cis configuration and a D/2-pyrone ring structure, but the structure of a C ring differed considerably from that of bufadienolides. Thus, marinoic acid (1) is an attractive synthetic target in view of the structural features as well as biological activity (Na^+, K^+-ATPase inhibitory activity). Herein synthetic approach towards the marinoic acid (1) with deoxycholic acid (2) as a starting material is described., 本文データはCiNiiから複製したものである。, application/pdf}, pages = {17--22}, title = {強心性ステロイド Marinoic acid の合成研究}, year = {2005}, yomi = {オチ, タカノリ and ヤマグチ, ヨシヒロ and コニシ, モトミ and アキザワ, トシフミ and ワカミヤ, タケアキ} }