@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009570, author = {久米, 靖文}, issue = {43}, journal = {近畿大学理工学部研究報告, Journal of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kinki University}, month = {Sep}, note = {S company carries out the research with Kinki University regarding with deployment and production of new product using Roziura network between small and medium enterprises. This paper describes that various industry medium-sized and small companies accumulate in area surround S manufacturer in Higashiosaka with cooperation. This paper discusses how to construct Roziura network between medium-sized and small companies in Higashiosaka and make the most of it. Also, Roziura network in Development of product compares with conventional subcontracted business. In order to evaluate this method, SECI model proposed by Nonaka are applied to Roziura network between small and medium enterprises., 本文データの一部は、CiNiiから複製したものである。, application/pdf}, pages = {17--25}, title = {SECIモデルのアジャイル生産における路地裏ネットワークへの適用}, year = {2007}, yomi = {クメ, ヤスフミ} }