@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009551, author = {長岡, 昇勇 and 中村, 佳嗣}, issue = {45}, journal = {近畿大学理工学部研究報告, Journal of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kinki University}, month = {Sep}, note = {J.-P. Serre developed the theory of p-adic modular forms. For example, he proved some congruence relation between elliptic modular forms. In this paper, a generalization to the case of Siegel modular forms is studied., application/pdf}, pages = {5--8}, title = {2次のSiegel modular形式の間に成り立つ合同式について}, year = {2009}, yomi = {ナガオカ, ショウユウ and ナカムラ, ヨシツグ} }