@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005748, author = {谷本, 道哉 and 佐賀, 典生 and 村出, 真一朗 and 形本, 静夫}, issue = {28}, journal = {Memoirs of the Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University, 近畿大学 生物理工学部 紀要}, month = {Sep}, note = {[要旨] 背景: 自転車競技の短・中距離選手の下肢の筋は非常に良く発達している. しかしながら, 自転車運動で発揮する筋力レベルは, 20-30%MVC程度と小さい. 筋肥大誘発の一要因である筋の微細損傷を引き起こすエキセントリック収縮の局面もほとんどない. 自転車運動が筋肥大を促すとするなら, このようなメカニカルな刺激とは別の要素が関係していると考えられる. 目的: 自転車運動が筋肥大・筋力増強を誘発する要因として運動中の筋内の酸素環境・代謝環境の変化が関係している可能性がある. 自転車運動中の酸素環境, 代謝環境の変化を観察する. 方法: 男子自転車競技短・中距離選手5名を用いて4000mレースを模した5分間の最大自転車運動を行い, その時の筋酸素化レベル, 一過性の筋横断面積変化(パンプアップ度合: 筋の代謝物の蓄積量を反映する)等を測定した. また, 同一心拍負荷の走運動を行い比較した. 結果: 5分間の最大自転車運動では運動中の筋酸素化レベルが走運動と比べて有意に大きく低下した(自転車26.6±6.4%, 走運動53.9±16.4%). また, 運動後の一過的な大腿部の筋横断面積の増加が走運動と比べて有意に大きかった(自転車+4.3±1.6%, 走運動+1.2±2.1%,). 結論: 5分間の最大自転車運動では筋の酸素環境・代謝環境が大きく変化することが観察された. このような筋内環境の変化が筋肥大の誘発と関係している可能性がある. [Abstract] Background: Short to middle distance cycling race competitors have very huge thigh muscles. However, mechanical load in cycling is relatively low and cycling movement hardly have eccentric contraction phase which induce muscle micro damage enhancing muscular hypertrophy. Cycling exercise might have other factors except such mechanical factors. Purpose: Purpose of this study is investigating the acute changes in muscular oxygenation level and metabolic environment during 5 minutes maximal cycling exercise. These acute changes in muscle during exercise have possibilities to perform some roles of inducing muscular hypertrophy. Method: Five cyclists affiliated with the cycling club of Juntendo University performed 5 minutes maximum cycling exercise which simulates 4000 meter cycling race, and performed 5 minute treadmill running with same cardiorespiratory load (same hart rate) as cycling exercise. Treadmill running protocol was configured as comparison of cycling exercise. Thigh muscle oxygenation level, blood lactate concentration and thigh muscle pump-up level assessed by muscle cross sectional area (CSA) were measured during these two exercises. Muscle pump-up during exercise mainly reflects the volume of muscular metabolic sub-products accumulation. Result: Muscle oxygenation level during cycling exercise decreased drastically and significantly lower than that during treadmill running (cycling: 26.6±6.4%, running: 53.9±16.4%). CSA changing immediately after cycling increased potentially and significantly lower than that during treadmill running (cycling: 4.3±1.6%, running: 1.2±2.1%). Conclusion: 5 minutes maximum cycling exercise made drastic changes in thigh muscle oxygenation and metabolic environment. These changes in muscle have possibilities to perform some roles of inducing muscular hypertrophy., application/pdf}, pages = {61--72}, title = {〈Original Papers〉5分間の最大自転車サイクリング運動時の筋の酸素環境・代謝環境の変化}, year = {2011}, yomi = {タニモト, ミチヤ and サガ, ノリオ and ムラデ, シンイチロウ and カタモト, シズオ} }