@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005314, author = {北川, 哲郎 and 森下, 匠 and 細谷, 和海}, issue = {45}, journal = {近畿大学農学部紀要, Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {[Synopsis] The Roundtail paradise fish, Macropodus ocellatus is quite unique as a betta-like gouramie in distributing in the most northern area among the belontiid fishes, from the Nakdong-gang, South Korea to the Chang River, China. As ecological information on Roundtail paradise fish was only marginally accumulated, reproductive characteristics were necessary to clarify by a breeding experiment. The breeding trials were operated both in outdoors and in the laboratory. During these trials, the lot with females coupled by a single male, was only successful to propagate, irrespective of the number of females. Each reproductive behavior was observed only once per trial. The number of the fertilized eggs was counted as in 78 - 596. Hatching was observed on the 2 days later and the larvae proceeded to feed 8 days later after spawning. The newly hatched larvae were drifting beneath the water surface. The larvae began to swim 5 days after hatching. The eggmass and pre-larvae were not heartily protected by parents, compaired with the case in M. opercularis. Females were often attacked by male, if they were mistakenly perceived as enemy by the male. [要約] チョウセンブナMacropodus ocellatusの繁殖生態について, 屋外および飼育室における飼育試験によって調査した。産卵は, 屋外, 飼育室内のいずれにおいても, 雌に対して雄1尾を投入した飼育容器内のみで観察された。雌は同一容器に複数尾を投入しても問題なく産卵に至った。確認された産卵数は, 78-324粒であった。産卵周期を観察するため, 飼育室内で産卵した雌雄の2組を飼育し続けたが, 産卵後の雄は雌を激しく攻撃し, 再び産卵行動をとることはなかった。受精卵は産卵後約2日で艀化し, 艀化後6日目で摂餌を開始した。艀化直後の仔魚は強い浮力を有し, 浮遊物の付近や飼育容器の壁面沿いに塊をなして浮遊していた。艀化直後の遊泳力は皆無であり, 能動的な遊泳が観察されたのは艀化後5日目であった。, application/pdf}, pages = {129--134}, title = {〈ノート〉飼育下におけるチョウセンブナの繁殖特性}, year = {2012}, yomi = {キタガワ, テツロウ and モリシタ, タクミ and ホソヤ, カズミ} }