@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005312, author = {西野, 済 and 宮崎, 伸夫 and 小川, 高直 and Tanangonan, Jean and 原薗, 芳信 and 高見, 晋一}, issue = {45}, journal = {近畿大学農学部紀要, Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {[Synopsis] Kinki University Nara Campus (Kindai Campus) is located on the eastern slope of Yata Hills, on the western side of the Nara Basin. Meteorological data has been collected in Kindai Campus since 1992. The data about solar radiation, temperature and precipitation from 2007 to 2009 were reviewed in 2010 and compared with data from the Nara Meteorological Observatory and the Gojo AMEDAS Point. However, there was indication of sensor degradation and data adjustment was needed. The adjusted data were temperature, humidity, solar radiation, and wind direction. As a result of the adjustment, temperature was higher than as reported in the previous issue. The highest temperature was lower and the lowest temperature was higher, and the daily amplitudes of the annual average were smaller at Kindai Campus than at the Nara Meteorological Observatory and the Gojo AMEDAS Point, This was considered due to the evapotranspiration and the shielding effect of solar radiation by "satoyama" vegetation. Solar radiation at Kindai Campus was higher than at the Nara Meteorological Observatory. Since Kindai Campus is located on the east slope and at a higher position than the basin, it receives solar radiation early in the morning and is hardly affected by fog or degradation of air quality. The Nara Campus Meteorological Database (Kindai Meteorological DB) gathers meteorological data every month. PC users can read and download these data as "Excel Workbook" file through KinMeDai (Kinki University Nara Campus Meteorology Database Interface), and also view meteorological data from the present to the past 5 days in real time using RTMC (real-time monitoring and control)., application/pdf}, pages = {95--118}, title = {〈原著〉近畿大学地域環境モニタリングシステムによる気象データの収集とその活用法}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ニシノ, ワタル and ミヤザキ, ノブオ and オガワ, タカナオ and ハラゾノ, ヨシノブ and タカミ, シンイチ} }