@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005306, author = {久保, 喜計 and 岡本, なずな and 小田, 真奈美 and 武内, 啓明 and 朝井, 俊亘 and 川端, 青 and 田中, 大喜 and 山野, ひとみ and 奥村, 大輝 and 細谷, 和海}, issue = {45}, journal = {近畿大学農学部紀要, Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {[Synopsis] Fish specimens collected by a set-net operated in Taiji Bay from February to October, 2011, were examined, and an annotated checklist of the species represented by these specimens is provided. A total of 138 species in 78 families belonging to 17 orders were recorded, with the Carangidae (14 species), Scombridae and Tetraodontidae (7), and Congridae, Exocoetidae, Mullidae and Monacanthidae (3) being dominant in the number of species. In this article, all collected species are listed with registration numbers, sizes, taxonomic remarks, and color photographs., 正誤表有, application/pdf}, pages = {163--191}, title = {〈調査〉和歌山県太地湾の定置網で漁獲された魚類}, year = {2012}, yomi = {クボ, ヨシカズ and オカモト, ナズナ and オダ, マナミ and タケウチ, ヒロアキ and アサイ, トシノブ and カワバタ, セイ and タナカ, ダイキ and ヤマノ, ヒトミ and オクムラ, ダイキ and ホソヤ, カズミ} }