@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005290, author = {錦, 一郎 and 鳥居, 憲親 and 桜谷, 保之}, issue = {44}, journal = {近畿大学農学部紀要, Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {[Synopsis] The nature observation event is held in Satoyama area located the Department of Agriculture of Kinki University. The student instructor who managed and was planning this event designed the picture book "Satoyama mini-picture book" of the card type. The purpose of this activity is to meet the needs of previous participants. The number of repeaters who want the cards is increasing gradually. This approach receives high praise from educators and NPO groups, etc. , and attracts attention from other groups as one model of environmental education., application/pdf}, pages = {123--130}, title = {<ノート>カード型図鑑を用いた自然観察会の活動成果--里山修復プロジェクトからの学びを形へ}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ニシキ, イチロウ and トリイ, ノリチカ and サクラタニ, ヤスユキ} }