@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005067, author = {駒井, 功一郎 and 佐藤, 庄太郎 and 植木, 邦和}, issue = {15}, journal = {近畿大学農学部紀要, Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University}, month = {Jan}, note = {[Author abstract]The present investigation was undertaken to the effects of essential oil in purple nutsedge on the microbial activity. The result were as follows: 1) The essential oil content in purple nutsedge was high in underground parts. However, the essential oil content changed throughout the growing season. Especially, a remarkable changes was shown in the roots from 30 days to 60 days after planting. 2) The essential oil had an antibacterial ability for two typical bacteria used in this test, but it was not active for two species in mold. 3) Sesquiterpenes were isolated from essential oil in purple nutsedge such as cyperene, β-selinene, caryophyllene, α-humulene, β-elemene, cyperenone and α-cyperone. α-cyperone and cyperenone strongly inhibited the germination of conidia of cochliobolus miyabeanus, but cyperene and β-selinene scarcely affected. Further, α-cyperone and cyperenone also appeared to have inhibitory effect on zoospore germination of phytophthora infestans at 5 x 10^3M. However, for the three compounds derived from α-cyperone were less active than the parent compound. [著者抄録]ハマスゲ精油成分の微生物への影響について若干の検討を行い,ハマスゲ精油成分の生理化学的機能についての基礎的知見を得ようと考えた.1)精油成分は塊茎,地下茎,根などの地下部組織に集積されるが,その中で特に根部から生体外へ分泌されることが推察された.2)ペーパーディスク法によるハマスゲ精油成分の抗菌活性では,Bacillus subtilis やEscherichia coliなどのbacteriaは顕著な抑制を示すが,Fusarium属2種では1000ppmでも抑制は認められなかった.3)ハマスゲ精油を構成する主なセスキテルペン4成分に対する胞子発芽は,イネごま葉柄病菌およびジャガイモ疫菌病とも同傾向を示し,α-cyperoneとcyperenoneでは発芽は強く阻害されるが,cypereneとβ-selineneでは発芽抑制活性は低下した.またα-cyperoneより合成した誘導体,4β(H)-eudesm-11-ene-3-one,4β(H)-edudesman- 3 -oneならびにeudesm- 4 -ene- 3 -oneの胞子発芽抑制は,α-cyperoneに比べていずれも活性低下を示した., application/pdf}, pages = {33--41}, title = {ハマスゲ精油成分の抗微生物活性について}, year = {1982}, yomi = {コマイ, コウイチロウ and サトウ, ショウタロウ and ウエキ, クニカズ} }