@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004995, author = {杉野, 守 and 芦田, 馨}, issue = {21}, journal = {近畿大学農学部紀要, Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University}, month = {Jan}, note = {The annual weed, beggar-ticks, is a quantative short-day plant. The flowering process was analyzed by preparation of experimental plants with different leaf or branch systems and by their exposure to short or long days in different patterns. We found that the flowering stimulus, florigen, seems to be produced in the leaves exposed to short days for at least three to four days. The florigen needed to evoke a flower initial in a vegetative bud is produced in sufficient amounts by one short-day leaf. The florigen probably moves from the induced leaf (source) to the receptor bud (sink) after assimilation stream. It seems likely that the inhibition of flowering by long-day treatment is not caused by a specific transmissible inhibitor produced in the long-day leaf. The long-day leaf attached at the upper node or on a branch inhibits flowering of the terminal bud simply as a result of competitive blocking of the assimilation stream from the induced short-day leaf attached at the lower node or on an other branch to the terminal bud., application/pdf}, pages = {1--12}, title = {雑草の発育生理学的研究(第3報) : アメリカセンダングサの光周的花成反応における花成刺激の移動と長日刺激の影響について}, year = {1988}, yomi = {スギノ, マモル and アシダ, カオル} }