@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004990, author = {中村, 聡一 and 今井, 直人 and 大家, 正太郎 and 小林, 博}, issue = {22}, journal = {近畿大学農学部紀要, Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University}, month = {Jan}, note = {[Author abstract]Oxygen uptake rates of triploid amago salmon, Oncorhynchus mason macrostomus, induced by heat shock of the fertilized eggs and of normal diploid fish were measured under resting and normoxic conditions. The hematology of the fish was also studied. The fish had the same parents, and were reared under the same conditions with the same feed. During the experiments, each fish was placed into a tube-like respiration chamber and two separate but neighboring chambers were used at a time, one for triploid and the other for diploid fish. When the flow rate of the water irrigating the respiration chamber was 200 ml/min, there was no significant difference between the oxygen uptake by the triploid and diploid fish. The higher the water temperature was, the greater the oxygen uptake of both kinds of fish. Triploid fish had a larger mean erythrocyte volume (MCV), but lower erythrocyte count (RBC) than the diploid fish; hematocrit (Ht), total blood hemoglobin content (Hb), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were about the same. Calculations from these results by use of a simplified model for erythrocyte shape showed that the total surface area of erythrocytes in 1 mm^3 of blood of the triploid fish was 13% smaller than that of the diploid fish. The morphological differences in erythrocyte between the triploid and diploid fish did not directly affect their oxygen uptake rate.[著者抄録]1.温度処理により作出したアマゴ3倍体魚の酸素消費量ならびに血液性状を未処理魚(2倍体魚)と比較した.2.流水式呼吸測定装置を用いた酸素飽和状態における3倍体魚の安静時酸素消費量は,2倍体魚のものとほぼ同じ値をとり,水温や魚体重による変化にも差がなかった.3.血液の一般性状として赤血球数,ヘマトクリット値,ヘモグロビン量及び赤血球の長径・短径の測定を行った.その結果,3倍体魚は2倍体魚と比べて赤血球数が少なく個々の赤血球が大きいが,ヘマトクリット値とヘモグロビン量については差かなかった.4.赤血球の簡単なモデルから,血液単位容積中の赤血球表面積を算出したところ,3倍体魚の値は2倍体魚よりも13%少ないという結果になった.5.赤血球の形態から,3倍体魚は2倍体魚に比べて酸素摂取能における差が推定されるが,平常状態では酸素消費量に差がみられなかったことから,何らかの補償機構が働いて,恒常性が保たれているものと考えられる., 記事区分:原著, application/pdf}, pages = {31--38}, title = {3倍体アマゴの酸素消費量と血液性状}, year = {1989}, yomi = {ナカムラ, ソウイチ and イマイ, ナオト and オオヤ, ショウタロウ and コバヤシ, ヒロシ} }