@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004932, author = {向井, 幸則 and 小林, 博}, issue = {27}, journal = {近畿大学農学部紀要, Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University}, month = {Jan}, note = {[Author abstract]The distribution, morphology, and sensory cell polarity of free neuromasts in developing larvae of two cyprinid fish, pale chub, Zacco platypus, and Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis were examined. Few free neuromasts were found in newly hatched larvae of pale chub, and no neuromasts were found in such larvae of Japanese dace. The prelarvae of both species remain in the spawning bed in the river and emerge from the bed at the postlarval stage. The neuromasts of both species developed rapidly in the prelarval stage, and the apical surface of neuromast organs were close to their mature form when the postlarval stage was reached. Accordingly, the prelarvae of both species seemed to prepare free neuromasts for survival after emergence from the spawning bed. All neuromasts contained sensory hair cells of opposing polarity, which shows the orientation of maximum sensitivity. The polarity of hair cells coincided with the minor axis of the outline of the neuromast area and the direction in which the cupulae bent. In the trunk, the polarity of hair cells of most neuromasts was in the antero-posterior axis of the body, but a few had dorso-ventral polarity. In the head, the polarity of hair cells was arranged on lines tangential to concentric circles about the eyes.[著者抄録]オイカワおよびウグイ仔魚は河川における産卵床内でふ化,発育し,後期仔魚期が始まる頃に産卵床から浮上する。本研究は両仔魚の遊離感丘の形態変化を,走査電子顕微鏡を用いて調べた。遊離感丘はふ化直後のオイカワにはわずかに認められ,ウグイには全くなかった。しかし,両種ともに前期仔魚期に急速に増加した。また,遊離感丘の遊離面の形態およびクプラもこの時期に顕著に発達し,後期仔魚期が始まる段階で多くの遊離感丘はほぼ完成していた。この急速な発達は,両仔魚が河川に生息するための適応と考えられた。一方,遊離感丘の刺激受容方向は感覚細胞の極性から求められ,それは遊離面の輪郭の短軸の方向,つまりクプラがたわみ易い方向と一致していることが判明した。刺激受容方向からみると,体側では体軸の前後からの刺激を受容する遊離感丘が多く,背腹方向のものはわずかであった。頭部では,多くの遊離感丘の刺激受容方向は,眼を中心とした同心円の接線方向にあった。, 記事区分:原著, application/pdf}, pages = {1--14}, title = {オイカワおよびウグイ仔魚の成長に伴う遊離感丘の形態変化}, year = {1994}, yomi = {ムカイ, ユキノリ and コバヤシ, ヒロシ} }