@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004913, author = {牧之段, 保夫}, issue = {28}, journal = {近畿大学農学部紀要, Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University}, month = {Jan}, note = {Elasticity (ashi) of boiled fish paste (kamaboko} is obtained when fish paste is heated at about 85℃. However, when heating is done of 60~65℃, ashi is slight and the kamaboko loses its commercial value. The cause was formerly attributed to heat denaturation of fish protein which relates to the formation of network structure in kamaboko. Thereafter, autolytic (proteolytic) approach was introduced and a unique heat-stable proteinase which acts specifically at 60~65℃ was found in fish muscle. From enzymatic investigations relating to this proteinase, it has been cofirmed that the collapsing of fish paste gels heated at 60~65℃ (himodori) was caused by the hydrolysis of fish paste gel by the heat-stable proteinase, which is activated at 60~65℃., 記事区分:総説, application/pdf}, pages = {77--83}, title = {かまぼこの火戻り―耐熱性プロテイナーゼによるすり身ゲルの崩壊―}, year = {1995}, yomi = {マキノダン, ヤスオ} }