@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004899, author = {獅山, 慈孝 and 伊東, 和子 and 伊藤, 富久子 and 福島, 清美 and 鈴木, 昌二 and 宇田川, 俊一 and 寺下, 隆夫 and 吉川, 賢太郎}, issue = {29}, journal = {近畿大学農学部紀要, Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University}, month = {Jan}, note = {[Author abstract]The species of 24 Penicillium isolates from postharvest diseased fruits and vegetables obtained at the Kyoto Municipal Central Market and at retail markets in Osaka and Kobe were identified. The hosts surveyed were apple, melon, grape, lemon (imported), Natsudaidai, mandarin orange, orange (imported), maize, Chinese yam, spinach and malabar spinach. With reference to the taxonomic descriptions of Pitt and Udagawa et al., P. italicum and P. digitatum were identified as the causal pathogens of all of the citrus fruits. As the pathogens of apple, two species, P. aurantiogriseum and P.glabrum were identified, although P.expansum and P. funiculosum are mentioned in the literatures. The market diseases of malabar spinach, melon and maize were caused by P. italicum, but those of spinach (two species), Chinese yam and grape (two species) were-caused by P. simplicissimum and P. digitatum, P. sclerotigenum, and P. janthinellum and P. adametzioides, respectively. Inoculation tests with conidial suspensions showed that the six species were pathogenic: P. italicum and P. digitatum for citrus fruits, P. sclerotigenum for Chinese yam, P. glabrum and P. aurantiogriseum for apple, and P. janthinellum for grape. The inoculated hosts showed the same symptom as the ones obtained at market.[著者抄録]前報で報告した青果物のマーケット病害のうち,Penicillium属菌によるものについては病原菌の種名を固定していない。本実験では,柑橘類,リンゴ,メロン,ブドウ,ホウレンソウ,トウモロコシ,ナガイモおよびツルムラサキから分離した24菌株を用いてそれらの種名を同定するとともにもとの宿主にそれらを接種して病原性を確かめた。その結果,柑橘類に腐敗を起こした病原菌はP. italicumとP. digitatumであり,リンゴの病原菌はP. glabrumとP. aurantiogriseum,メロンの病原菌はP. italicum,ホウレンソウの病原菌はP. simplicissimumとP. digitatum,ナガイモの病原菌はP. sclerotigenum,ブドウの病原菌はP. adametzioidesとP. janthinellum,トウモロコシとツルムラサキの病原菌はP. italicumであることが明らかになった。なお,それらの病原性をグレープフルーツ,オレンジ,リンゴ,ブドウおよびナガイモを用いて調べた結果,いずれももとの病徴と同じであったので,供試6菌株はそれぞれの宿主に対して病原性を示すことが確認された。, 記事区分:原著, application/pdf}, pages = {77--85}, title = {青果物腐敗を起こすPenicillium属菌の同定とその病原性}, year = {1996}, yomi = {シシヤマ, ジコウ and イトウ, カズコ and イトウ, フクコ and フクシマ, キヨミ and スズキ, ショウジ and ウダガワ, シュンイチ and テラシタ, タカオ and ヨシカワ, ケンタロウ} }