@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004807, author = {久米, 幸毅 and 久保, 喜計 and 細谷, 和海}, issue = {38}, journal = {近畿大学農学部紀要, Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University}, month = {Jan}, note = {Bibliography on Medaka fish, Oryzias latipes, was compiled as a list. Medaka is known as a paddy fish, whose wild populations have recently reduced. This is soon followed by that they are categorized as an endangered species in the Japanese Red Data Book (2003). Their decline in nature is chiefly due to the decrease of paddy fields suitable for their propagation, and to the separation of migratory pathway between paddy fields and ditches. On Medaka, much information has been accumulated so far as about experimental fish and ornamented fish. However, it lacks in basic biology on the wild Medaka. This bibliography lists scientific papers, articles of newspaper and other miscellaneous printed materials with specific order both in English and Japanese. This aims to provide necessary information to the persons such as researchers and citizen volunteers who willingly take part in the protection activities of the wild Medaka., [1]はしがき [2]分類 (Taxonomy) [3]形態 (Morphology) [4]遺伝的分化 (Genetic diversification) [5]遺伝学一般 (General Genetics) [6]保全 (Conservation) [7]保存 (Preservation) [8]生態 (Ecology) [9]行動 (Behavior) [10]ビオトープ・水田 (Biotope and Paddy field) [11]毒性 (Toxicology) [12]生殖・発生 (Reproduction and Embryology) [13]生理 (Physiology) [14]総合目録 (General list), 記事区分:資料, application/pdf}, pages = {157--228}, title = {絶滅危惧種メダカに関する文献集}, year = {2005}, yomi = {クメ, コウキ and クボ, ヨシガズ and ホソヤ, カズミ} }