@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003528, author = {南, 武志 and 武内, 章記}, month = {Jan}, note = {研究成果の概要(和文): ヨーロッパの11ヶ国29辰砂鉱山鉱石を収集し、硫黄同位体比を測定したところ、値は鉱山に依存していた。硫黄同位体比と水銀同位体比分析の二次元グラフはその差がより鮮明であった。しかし、遺物より採取可能量は少ないので、硫黄同位体比分析だけでローマ帝国時代の朱の産地同定を試みた。ハンガリーのエブダ出土朱はトランスシルバニア産、スペインのクルニア出土朱はアルマデン鉱山産と推察した。硫黄同位体比分析は古代の朱産地同定に有効な手法であり、水銀同位体分析を組み合わすと精度を高めることができる。 研究成果の概要(英文):Cinnabar ores from 29 mines in 11 counties in Europe were collected. And when the ratio of sulfur isotope of cinnabar ore was measured, the values were different depending on the mine. In addition, 2-D graph was made by both sulfur and mercury isotope ratios, the difference ever mine appeared more clearly. However, there was too few to measure the mercury isotope ratio, although vermilion was collected from the Roman paintings. Then, we measured the ratio of sulfur isotope of vermilion used in Roman paintings. And vermilion used in Óbuda in Hungary had been originally collected from the Transylvania area and vermilion used in Clunia in Spain had been collected from the Almaden mine in Spain. In conclusion, the analysis of sulfur isotope ratio in vermilion is an effective method to identify the original sources of vermilion used in ancient times. And it may be thought that precision increases more when combined analyses of sulfur and mercury isotopes are possible., 機関番号:34419; 研究種目:基盤研究(C); 研究期間:2010~2012; 課題番号:22500977; 研究分野:総合領域; 科研費の分科・細目:文化財科学・文化財科学, application/pdf}, title = {ヨーロッパにおけるローマ帝国時代の遺跡朱の産地同定}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ミナミ, タケシ and タケウチ, アキノリ} }