@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003474, author = {熊谷, 成将}, month = {Jan}, note = {研究成果の概要(和文): Kumagai and Ogura (2014)における主な分析結果は次の通りである. (1)観察できない個人固有の効果が初期条件に影響を与えているとき, 変量効果プロビットモデルの推定値は状態依存の程度を過大評価する. この問題を考慮したDynamic random-effects probit modelによる推定が最も望ましい. (2) ライフスタイル変数の交絡の可能性を考慮に加えてもRPAがLHSにプラスに寄与する. (3)定期的な運動習慣がある労働者は, 良い健康状態を持続できる. (4)喫煙習慣, 低学歴, 長時間労働と長時間通勤は, RPAに対してマイナスに影響する. 研究成果の概要(英文): The abstract of Kumagai and Ogura (2014) is as follows: No prior investigation has considered the effects of state dependence and unobserved heterogeneity on the relationship between regular physical activity (RPA) and latent health stock (LHS). We estimated the degree of the state dependence of RPA and LHS among middle-aged Japanese workers. Individual heterogeneity was found for both RPA and LHS, and the dynamic random-effects probit model provided the best specification. A smoking habit, low educational attainment, longer work hours, and longer commuting time had negative effects on RPA participation. RPA had positive effects on LHS, taking into consideration the possibility of confounding with other lifestyle variables. Increasing the intensity of RPA had positive effects on LHS and caused individuals with RPA to exhibit greater persistence of LHS compared to individuals without RPA., 研究種目:基盤研究(C); 研究期間:2012~2014; 課題番号:24530283; 研究分野:医療経済学; 科研費の分科・細目:, application/pdf}, title = {運動習慣・飲酒習慣と主観的健康の経済分析}, year = {2014}, yomi = {クマガイ, ナリマサ} }