@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003469, author = {川原, 亜希世 and 松﨑, 博子 and 三浦, 太郎 and 根本, 彰}, month = {Jan}, note = {研究成果の概要(和文): 東京大学大学院の図書館情報学研究室には初代教授であった裏田武夫が残した戦後の図書館職員養成教育の成立に関わる資料が残されていたが, 劣化が進み, 利用及び保存が難しい状況にあった. 科研費によってこの資料を保存するための処理と, 電子データ化を進め, 資料の利用及び分析を可能とした. この資料に含まれていた, 初期の司書講習に関する記録を用い, 戦後公共図書館員の現職者教育として始まった司書講習について調査を行った. 当時5年間で講習によって現職者の再教育と資格付与を行う計画が完了しなかった原因を分析し, 今後学校司書資格が設けられた場合必要となる, 学校図書館職員の現職者教育に対する提言をまとめた. 研究成果の概要(英文): There stored documents with respect to the development of education for librarian training after the WWII in the University of Tokyo. But as they were deteriorated, it was difficult to use them. By using budget for the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, we promoted the conservation treatment and the data digitization of these documents. Using the digitized documents about the librarian training courses which were held after the WWII, we studied and examined the characteristics of postwar Japanese library education system. At the beginning, the courses were started as the incumbents' education for the public libraries and planned to last for only five years, but they were seen as librarian training paths in the local governmental administration system and maintained after that. Besides, we summarized the recommendations for the incumbents' education of the school librarians, which will be necessary in case that the school librarian qualification system be created in the near future., 研究種目:基盤研究(C); 研究期間:2012~2014; 課題番号:24500302; 研究分野:図書館情報学; 科研費の分科・細目:, application/pdf}, title = {戦後日本における図書館職員養成教育の成立過程について}, year = {2014}, yomi = {カワハラ, アキヨ and マツザキ, ヒロコ and ミウラ, タロウ and ネモト, アキラ} }