@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003226, author = {服部, 圭子 and 森茂, 岳雄 and 中山, 京子}, month = {Jan}, note = {研究成果の概要(和文):本研究は「移民」および「人の移動」をテーマとした多文化共生に向けた包括的なカリキュラム・モデルの構築と、小・中・高・大学・地域・博物館などの活動現場で利用可能な教材開発を目的とした。移民教材開発の視点やキーコンセプトを提示し、日本と韓国に共通するブラジル移民の歴史調査や滞日外国人へのインタビューをもとに「読み物資料」を開発した。一方で、国内外の日系ブラジル人の子どもたちを対象とした「移民カルタ」を開発し、日本・韓国・ブラジル他の学校教育や地域活動の現場での実践を試みた。 研究成果の概要(英文):The purpose of this research is to develop a curriculum model of comprehensive multicultural education under the theme of `international migration' as well as to make teaching materials useful for school setting from elementary schools to universities and for museums. First, classifications of teaching materials are reviewed. Second, key concepts for migration study are extracted. Third, actual materials, 'reading materials' and `KARUTA' , are developed. Based on the fact that both Korean and Japanese migrated to Brazil in their history, the research was conducted by interviewing a Japanese-Brazilian and a Korean-Brazilian to begin with. Then, non-Japanese people living in Japan were also interviewed, who contributed to develop reading materials. In addition, `KARUTA' was created for children with Brazilian background both in Japan and Brazil. Lastly, both of these materials were used at high schools, universities, and at the educational settings in the society in Korea, Japan and Brazil., 研究種目:基盤研究(C); 研究期間:2009~2011; 課題番号:21530997; 研究分野:教科教育学; 科研費の分科・細目:教育学、文化人類学、言語学, application/pdf}, title = {日本・韓国・ブラジルを結ぶ移民学習教材の開発とカリキュラム・モデルの構築}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ハットリ, ケイコ and モリモ, タケオ and ナカヤマ, キョウコ} }