@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003225, author = {堀口, 良一}, month = {Jan}, note = {研究成果の概要(和文):戦前期日本の安全運動の誕生・発展の過程で中心的役割を果たした蒲生俊文(1883~1966)に関する大量の資料--その多くが未出版、未公開の状態にある--についての綿密な調査を踏まえて、本研究では、蒲生の生涯が1914年から亡くなるまでの間、一貫して安全運動に捧げられていたことを、一次資料に基づく史料を駆使しながら示した。とくに、その成果として重要ものに、履歴書各種、著作目録(全461点)および伝記がある。 研究成果の概要(英文):Based on a meticulous investigation of piles of documents related to Toshibumi Gamo (1883-1966), of which many have not been published nor are open in public, the project reveals that he was the most important key figure of the safety campaign during its rise and development in prewar Japan and his life was devoted to the safety campaign from 1914 to his death, as showing historical facts provided by the primary sources. In particular, his CVs, the writing list of his articles and books (461 writings in total) and his biography are most significant of these fruits., 研究種目:基盤研究(C); 研究期間:2009~2011; 課題番号:21530575; 研究分野:社会学; 科研費の分科・細目:社会学, application/pdf}, title = {蒲生俊文の伝記的研究--戦前期日本における安全運動の基礎的研究}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ホリグチ, リョウイチ} }