@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003189, author = {片岡, 博美 and 岡本, 耕平 and 西村, 雄一郎}, month = {Jan}, note = {研究成果の概要(和文): 本研究では「生活活動空間の分析」という地理学的手法を用いて、エスニシティの解明を行い、エスニック集団成員の属性により生じる生活活動空間の差異や差異を生み出す制約を明らかにした。それとともに、行政や市民団体等が行う諸施策・サービスを、特に外国籍住民への情報伝達という側面から検討し、外国籍住民を交えた情報伝達経路の再構築を行う契機づくりとしてのワークショップを、行政関連機関と連携し開催した。 研究成果の概要(英文):In this study, ethnicities were elucidated by using a geographical technique referred to as "analysis of daily-life activity space" to show the differences in daily-life activity spaces arising from the attributes of the members of ethnic groups and the restrictions which give rise to the differences.   At the same time, the various measures and services carried out by governments and citizens' organizations were considered in the aspect of, particularly, the conveyance of information to residents of foreign nationalities, and workshops were held in coordination with government-related organizations in order to provide occasions to rebuild channels of information conveyance which include residents of foreign nationalities., 研究種目:基盤研究(C); 研究期間:2008年度~2010年度; 課題番号:20520697; 研究分野:人文学; 科研費の分科・細目:人文地理学・都市地理学, application/pdf}, title = {エスニック集団の生活活動空間の分析とその応用に関する研究}, year = {2011}, yomi = {カタオカ, ヒロミ and オカモト, コウヘイ and ニシムラ, ユウイチロウ} }