@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003035, author = {熊谷, 成将}, month = {Jan}, note = {医療経済学会誌『医療経済研究』に所収の論文「入院医療サービスの垂直的公平性と負担金の不平等度」等において、以下を明らかにした。(1) 健康状態の地域差を考慮した分析の結果、重症患者を相対的に多く受け入れている公立病院に有利な形で、患者あたり負担金が繰入れられていた。(2) 平成17年度に医師あたり外来患者数の不平等が大きくなり、患者あたり負担金の不平等の要因が変化した。この変化は、新医師臨床研修制度導入の影響による。(英文) My study aims to investigate the relationships among the need for inpatient care, the amount of inpatient care services provided, and money transfers to Japanese municipal hospitals from the viewpoint of vertical equity. The paper "Vertical Equity and Inequality of Allotments" revealed allotments (subsidies) per patient per day showed vertical inequity in the number of inpatients per day after taking into account the overall social welfare regarding the distribution of allotments. Inequality in the number of outpatients per physician increased in 2005 compared to previous years. This was caused by the movement of physicians following the introduction of a new in-service training system., 研究種目:若手研究(B);研究期間:2007~2009;課題番号:19730188;研究分野:社会科学;科研費の分科・細目:経済学・応用経済学 (G)医療経済学, application/pdf}, title = {入院医療サービスの垂直的不公平と二次医療圏における医療資源の配分}, year = {2009}, yomi = {クマガイ, ナリマサ} }