@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023318, author = {武田, 卓 and 清水, 尚子 and 平野, 昌美 and 宮田, 信吾 and 石野, 雄吾}, month = {}, note = {https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-19K09792/, 研究成果の概要(和文):月経前症候群(PMS)患者における腸内細菌叢の特徴を検討した。PMS症状を訴える女性27名と、症状が重度ではない女性29名を募集した。その中から、社会生活に支障をきたすほどの症状を持つ21名(PMD群)と、深刻な症状がなく、社会生活にも支障がない女性22名(対照群)をさらに選出した。血液中の炎症マーカーは、PMD群と対照群で有意差はなかった。PMD群と対照群の腸内細菌叢には、β多様性の差が検出された。属レベルでの腸内細菌の検討では、対照群との比較で、ParabacteroidesとMegasphaeraの減少がPMS患者の特徴となり、さらにこれらの量が少ないと、症状が重度となることが判明した。 研究成果の概要(英文): The characteristics of the gut microbiota in patients with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) were investigated: 27 women with PMS symptoms and 29 women with less severe symptoms were recruited. From these, 21 women with symptoms that were severe enough to interfere with their social life (PMD group) and an additional 22 women with no serious symptoms and no problems with their social life (control group) were selected. Inflammatory markers in blood were analyzed. For the stool samples, 16S ribosomal RNA of gut microbiota was sequenced. Blood inflammation markers were not significantly different between the PMD and control groups; differences in beta diversity were detected in the gut microbiota of the PMD and control groups. Examination of the gut microbiota revealed that decreased levels of Parabacteroides and Megasphaera were characteristic of PMS patients, and furthermore, these were inversely correlated with symptom severity., 研究種目:基盤研究(C); 研究期間:2019~2021; 課題番号:19K09792; 研究分野:女性心身症; 科研費の分化・細目:, application/pdf}, title = {腸内細菌叢・脳軸からみた月経前症候群への新治療戦略}, year = {2021}, yomi = {タケダ, タカシ and シミズ, ショウコ and ヒラノ, マサミ and ミヤタ, シンゴ and イシノ, ユウゴ} }