@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023272, author = {香取, 郁夫 and 土原, 和子}, month = {}, note = {https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-19K06079/, 研究成果の概要(和文):ある種のチョウ目幼虫は頭部に長い突起を持つが、その役割はほとんど解明されていない。本研究では硬い突起の役割について「天敵からの防衛」仮説を立て、フタオチョウ幼虫を用いて仮説を検証した。突起を切除した「突起無」幼虫と、無処理の「突起有」幼虫を天敵アシナガバチに襲わせたところ、突起有の幼虫は突起無の幼虫より有意に防衛率が高かった。よって仮説は一部支持された。一方、柔かい突起の役割について「食草探索補助」仮説を立て、アサギマダラ幼虫を用いて仮説を検証した。その結果、突起有の幼虫は突起無の幼虫に比べ食草発見率が有意に高かった。よって仮説は実証された。 研究成果の概要(英文): Some lepidopteran larvae have long frontal projections, but their role is almost unknown. In this study, we made a "defense-from-natural-enemies" hypothesis about the role of hard projections, and tested the hypothesis using Polyura eudamippus larvae. When the larvae whose projections were artificially removed and the untreated larvae with their own projections were attacked the natural enemy paper wasps, the larvae with the projections had a significantly higher defense rate than the larvae without the projections. Therefore, the hypothesis was partially supported. On the other hand, we made a "assisting-host-plant-search" hypothesis about the role of soft projections and tested the hypothesis using Parantica sita larvae. As a result, the larvae with projections found host-plants at a significantly higher rate than the larvae without projections. Therefore, the hypothesis was proved., 研究種目:基盤研究(C); 研究期間:2019~2021; 課題番号:19K06079; 研究分野:昆虫生態学; 科研費の分化・細目:, application/pdf}, title = {チョウ目幼虫のもつ突出した頭部突起が果たす役割の解明}, year = {2021}, yomi = {カンドリ, イクオ and ツチハラ, カズコ} }