@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022917.1, author = {松田, 紀子 and 村田, 健太郎}, issue = {1}, journal = {近畿大学総合社会学部紀要:総社る, Kindai Applied Sociology Review : Social}, month = {Sep}, note = {[Abstract] The mere exposure effect refers to repeated exposure resulting in greater familiarity and, consequently, greater favorability. Although it is an unconscious cognitive process deeply related to daily activities, extant studies have not investigated the presence of the mere exposure effect in the acquisition of L2 formulaic language. This study examined whether the mere exposure effect can be observed among language learners, and if so, what differences can be observed between proficiency levels. This study included 40 undergraduate and graduate students learning English as a foreign language in Japan. The participants were asked to rate the favorability of 100 high- and low-familiarity formulaic sequences from an existing familiarity list. The results revealed a positive correlation between familiarity and favorability, suggesting the likelihood of the mere exposure effect. Furthermore, differences in favorability by proficiency level were observed only for low-familiarity formulaic sequences, indicating the possibility of accumulative influence of the mere exposure effect on the acquisition of formulaic language. These findings suggest the necessity of reconsidering the learning of formulaic language from the perspective of utilizing the learners’ unconscious cognitive processes in the context of English language learning., 専攻(松田): 応用言語学}, pages = {39--49}, title = {<原著論文>「会えば会うほど好きになる」―英語の定型表現の習得における単純接触効果―}, volume = {11}, year = {2022}, yomi = {マツダ, ノリコ and ムラタ, ケンタロウ} }