@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022893, author = {桑名, 恵}, issue = {7}, journal = {Journal of International Studies}, month = {Jun}, note = {[ABSTRACT] Difficulties were faced during the disaster response activities conducted amid the COVID-19 crisis. The activities faced a particular challenge of collaboration between insiders and outsiders due to travel restrictions and the sentiments of residents, which lead to less support from outside organizations, and delayed reconstruction. As the recent crisis has become more complex and unpredictable, greater collaborative relationships are needed between outsiders and insiders, which produce a positive impact even amid the COVID-19 crisis. This paper aims to analyze the possibilities of interrelated activities across boundaries, through collaborations between insiders and outsiders, and among the different sectors, such as government, NPOs, and volunteers. The case used for this study is of the support activities undertaken during the heavy rain disaster which occurred in the Saga Prefecture in 2021, by applying the ‘boundary spanning leadership model’. It proposes that boundary spanning activities are accelerated by functionalizing intermediate organizations, promoting public-private collaboration, and inviting CSOs outside the prefecture. In boundary spanning activities, connections are strengthened by trust and community building based on internal unity, and valuing an ‘insider-outsider perspective’, which accordingly establish a broader nexus., application/pdf}, pages = {113--130}, title = {新型コロナウィルス(COVID-19)影響下での災害対応における境界連結活動(バウンダリースパニング)を可能にする要因:佐賀県の災害対応の事例から}, year = {2022}, yomi = {クワナ, メグミ} }