@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022892, author = {秦, 辰也}, issue = {7}, journal = {Journal of International Studies}, month = {Jun}, note = {[ABSTRACT] In the field of comparative politics, there has been much debate in recent years about the strengthening of authoritarianism and retreating of democracy. This article aims to examine the situation in Thailand, Myanmar, and Cambodia to demonstrate how political change and the narrowing of civil society are progressing in light of that trend in Asia. Various democratization indicators are currently in use, but here, in addition to the V-Dem indicators, it examines the empirical cases of the three countries, delving deeply into the history of great power influence, political struggles, and civil society formation and collapse while capturing endogenous factors. It argues that these countries have experienced a period of democratization and expansion of civil society space within 30 years, but authoritarianism through power politics has progressed, and the use of legal means and repression of citizens has intensified. Young people and citizens have shown strong interest in the issues, and there have been progressive resistance movements, but it remains to be seen whether civil society will expand through "free and fair" elections in the future., application/pdf}, pages = {77--112}, title = {アジアにおける権威主義の強化と民主主義の後退――タイ、ミャンマー、カンボジアの政治変動と市民社会の狭小化について――}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ハタ, タツヤ} }