@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022891, author = {瞿, 艶丹}, issue = {7}, journal = {Journal of International Studies}, month = {Jun}, note = {[ABSTRACT] Haruyuki Sasaki (佐佐木春行), the second generation of the Kyoto antiquarian bookshop “Chikuhoro (竹苞樓)”, wrote the Sohon kantei zakki (宋本鑒定雜記), an important work in the study of private bibliography in the Edo period. There is one handwritten copy in each of Kyoto University Library and Iwase Bunko Library, this paper uses the two copies to compile and investigate this text. Most of the sohon (Song dynasty editions) recorded in this text came from the Five Great Zen Temples in Kyoto, and the collection process is clear, several editions still exist. Haruyuki examined in detail the taboos, format and the paper used in sohon, some of these methods were influenced by knowledge in Chinese literature, and some were inspired by Kariya Ekisai (狩谷棭齋) and other scholars in the same period, reveals the development process of bibliography as a discipline in Japan from the early modern period to the present day., application/pdf}, pages = {51--75}, title = {佐佐木竹苞樓《宋本鑒定雜記》考釋}, year = {2022} }