@phdthesis{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022817, author = {堀田, 芙美香 and Hotta, Fumika}, month = {Jun}, note = {主査:角田郁生 教授  学内授与番号:医第1345号 Fumika Hotta, Hiroshi Eguchi, Haruyuki Nakayama‑Imaohji, Tomomi Kuwahara, Ayano Tada, Hirofumi Yagi, Yoshikazu Shimomura, Shunji Kusaka, Microbiome analysis of contact lens care solutions and tear fluids of contact lens wearers: Possible involvement of streptococcal antigens in allergic symptoms related to contact lens wear, International Journal of Molecular Medicine, Vol.46, No. 4, p.1367-1376, October-2020掲載 DOI:10.3892/ijmm.2020.4678, application/pdf}, school = {近畿大学, Kindai University}, title = {Microbiome analysis of contact lens care solutions and tear fluids of contact lens wearers: Possible involvement of streptococcal antigens in allergic symptoms related to contact lens wear}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ホッタ, フミカ} }