@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022406, author = {野村, 正人 and 佐々木, 大五朗}, issue = {55}, journal = {近畿大学工学部研究報告, Research reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Kindai University}, month = {Feb}, note = {[Abstract]As a part of our research on fine bubble, we investigated the fine bubble aeration in seawater. The seawater used in the experiment was seawater from three different tidal currents surrounding the Japanese archipelago ( offshore of Izumo on the side of the Sea of Japan, offshore Takehara in the Seto Inland Sea, and offshore of Izu Oshima in the Pacific Ocean ), and the change of quality following the fine bubble aeration was measured. As a result, in the formation of fine bubble in the seawater collected from three locations with completely different geography surrounding the Japanese archipelago, it was revealed that the formation of fine bubble can progress efficiently with lower salinity (%) and lower proportion of Na+ ions with respect to the physical properties of the collected raw water. In addition, it was also confirmed that the amount of CO2 dissolved in seawater was associated with the increase of the number of particles when fine bubble aeration was performed., application/pdf}, pages = {35--38}, title = {〈研究論文〉ファインバブル化した海水の計測 日本海(出雲市沖)-瀬戸内海(竹原市沖)-太平洋(伊豆大島沖)}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ノムラ, マサト and ササキ, ダイゴロウ} }