@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022139, author = {張, 琳}, month = {}, note = {https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-18K12807/, 研究成果の概要(和文):経済学の人的資本理論において、人的資本形成は認知能力と非認知能力の生産として考えられる。伝統的な財の生産と同様に、人的資本形成にも複数種類の投入物は利用されている。例えば、物的資源、先天的能力、親の投資等がある。本研究は、人的資本形成における使用される投入物は教育格差に与える影響について、実証研究及び理論研究を行う。具体的は、公的教育投資と親のしつけ行動の関係及び教育格差への影響を分析する。研究成果の概要(英文):The classic human capital theory considers human capital formation as the production of cognitive and non-cognitive skills. Like traditional goods production, human capital formation involves multiple inputs, such as material resources, innate abilities, and parental investments. In general, this study investigates how the various inputs involved in human capital formation influence education inequality. In particular, this study mainly consists of the following two aspects. 1) Empirical analysis which investigates the relationship between the inputs of human capital formation, that is, are they substitutes or complements? This study mainly focuses on the public education expenditure and the parenting practices. 2) Theoretically analysis which discusses how the relationship between the inputs of human capital formation affects education inequality., 研究種目:若手研究; 研究期間:2018~2020; 課題番号:18K12807; 研究分野:教育経済学; 科研費の分科・細目:, application/pdf}, title = {Accounting for intergenerational income persistence: The role of parenting practices}, year = {2021} }