@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021980, author = {大対, 香奈子 and 庭山, 和貴 and 田中, 善大 and 松山, 康成}, issue = {2}, journal = {近畿大学総合社会学部紀要:総社る, Kindai Applied Sociology Review : Social}, month = {Mar}, note = {[Abstract] Studentsʼ behavioral problems are among the factors deemed to cause significant stress in teachers. The Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) approach defines and teaches appropriate behaviors and positively reinforces the appropriate behaviors of students. Although SWPBS has been shown to be effective in reducing students' problematic behaviors, its effects on teachers remains unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effectiveness of SWPBS implementation in decreasing teacher burnout and improving teacher self-efficacy, in addition to reducing the problematic behaviors of students in class. In this study, SWPBS was implemented in a public elementary school for two years. The results suggest an improvement in students’ behavior during class.Further, emotional exhaustion in teacher burnout significantly decreased, and the personal achievement score significantly improved. Although the teacher self-efficacy score increased from September to March in Year 2, it was not statistically significant. These results suggest that SWPBS is effective in improving the mental health of teachers The limitations of this study and future directions were discussed., 専攻(大対・庭山・田中): 応用行動分析学 専攻(松山): 教育心理学, application/pdf}, pages = {31--42}, title = {<原著論文>学校規模ポジティブ行動支援が教師のバーンアウトおよび効力感に及ぼす効果}, volume = {9}, year = {2021}, yomi = {オオツイ, カナコ and ニワヤマ, カズキ and タナカ, ヨシヒロ and マツヤマ, ヤスナリ} }