@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021609, author = {皆川, 晶}, issue = {50}, journal = {近畿大学九州短期大学研究紀要, RESEARCH BULLETIN OF Kindai University Kyushu Junior College}, month = {Dec}, note = {[Abstruct] I researched asking students their self-recognition concerning their wording and honorifics. Additionally, I asked them the correct / wrong of how to use the honorifics they will use at the scene of nursery, and their confidence for their answers. As a result, they experienced the difference of impression among people by their necessity of honorifics and wording, through a college life or part-time working. We found that one is speaking worried about one’s own wording, and anxious about the other., 著者主要担当科目:言葉表現, 言葉(指導法), application/pdf}, pages = {31--43}, title = {〈論文〉短期大学生の敬語認識と敬語表現―保育科学生のアンケート調査から―}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ミナガワ, アキ} }