@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021383, author = {野村, 正人 and 根岸, 忠志 and 西川, 直樹 and 佐々木, 大五朗}, issue = {54}, journal = {近畿大学工学部研究報告, Research reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Kindai University}, month = {Feb}, note = {[Abstract]In this study, we conducted a research on a method of using electrolyzed water for the purpose of cleaning used PET bottles. Acidic electrolyzed water has bactericidal and deodorant effects. In addition, alkaline electrolyzed water has a function of emulsifying lipids and the like. Therefore, it was examined whether it could be used as a deodorant utilizing the characteristics of these electrolyzed water. As a result, in particular, it was effectively deodorized when washed with weakly acidic electrolyzed water of pH 3.44, AC 22.1mg/kg., application/pdf}, pages = {17--22}, title = {〈研究論文〉残存するペットボトル中の臭い成分の処理方法- 数種類の電解水利用-}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ノムラ, マサト and ネギシ, タダシ and ニシカワ, ナオキ and ササキ, ダイゴロウ} }