@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021026, author = {後藤, 武志}, issue = {13}, journal = {近畿大学工業高等専門学校研究紀要, Research reports Kindai University Technical College}, month = {Mar}, note = {Consumer education at universities and colleges of technology is passive education where students listen to about not becoming victims. At present, little design education has been provided for future engineers to prevent damage to consumers. Therefore, in the engineer ethics education, students themselves investigate and understand the actual situation of problematic products. Active technician education was given to make them think. Introduce the contents and make proposals for active technician education, always considering consumer issues., application/pdf}, pages = {19--25}, title = {工業高等専門学校における消費者視点を取り入れた技術者倫理教育 ~カセットこんろ事故を題材にした能動的な技術者教育~}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ゴトウ, タケシ} }