@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020937, author = {葛西, 弘 and 藤本, 将徳 and 渡邊, 拓也 and 出口, 千惠美 and 澤畠, 拓夫}, issue = {53}, journal = {近畿大学農学部紀要, MEMOIRS OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE OF KINDAI UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {[Synopsis] We compared the ant species structure and soil water content from the soil under dead and non-dead Quercus serrata trees in deciduous broad-leaved forests suffering slight damage of oak wilt disease in Nara Prefecture to examine the effects of oak wilt disease on insect fauna. The value of species diversity of ants decreased in the soil under dead trees especially in the species belonging the forest habitat type. Although the water contents of dead trees tend to show slightly lower proportion than those of non-dead trees, these proportions did not differ significantly each other. These results suggested that the ant species reacted sensitively to slight environmental change around the dead trees in the forest suffering oak wilt disease., application/pdf}, pages = {1--10}, title = {〈原著〉ナラ枯れによる枯死木と非枯死木の周辺土壌中から得られたアリの種構成の違い}, year = {2020}, yomi = {カサイ, ヒロ and フジモト, マサヒロ and ワタナベ, タクヤ and デグチ, チエミ and サワハタ, タクオ} }