@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020848, author = {田口, 由美子}, issue = {1}, journal = {商経学叢, Shokei-gakuso: Journal of Business Studies}, month = {Jul}, note = {[概要]既存の介護職員の定着をはかるためにモチベーション維持・向上は欠かせない。モチベーション維持・向上のための一つ方法として,利用者との直接的なコミュニケーション,利用者の生活スタイルにあわせた対応に専念できるような働く環境を整えることがあげられる。そのためにはムダな業務の削減,負担のある業務を別の手段で行う,など業務効率化が必要と考えられる。その中で,介護施策の IT・ロボット活用による業務効率化があるが必ずしも進んでいない。本論では,高齢者福祉施設と介護業務の IT 導入の現状を概観し,積極的に IT 導入を試みている複数の介護施設の導入事例の視察をもとに,IT 導入要因は何かについて考察することを目的とする。 [Abstract] In order to make retention of care staff working at care facilities, to keep or increase their motivation is necessary. As a way of keeping or increase their motivation, environment for work enable to directly communicate care staff and people requiring caregivers and to devote care adapted to lifestyle of people requiring caregivers is presumable. In order to do that, business efficiency is necessary such as reduction unnecessary task, doing high-impact task by another way. Using IT/robot is one of ways of business efficiency. However, many of the care facilities have not proceed to use IT. The purpose of this paper is to outline the care facilities for elder people and usage of IT, to consider to what is the factor to proceed using IT based on visit of several facilities., application/pdf}, pages = {219--227}, title = {〈論文〉国内の高齢者向け施設の IT 導入の一考察}, volume = {66}, year = {2019}, yomi = {タグチ, ユミコ} }