@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020688, author = {高村, 史記 and 本園, 千尋 and 戸村, 道夫 and 福山, 聡 and 宮澤, 正顯}, month = {}, note = {https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-16K08850/, 研究成果の概要(和文):滞在型メモリーCD8T細胞(CD8TRM)は粘膜面など病原体侵入部位に長期間維持され、防御免疫の第一線を担う。マウス同士を結合するパラビオーシスにて滞在型と循環型メモリーCD8T細胞を区別して解析したところ、肺内にて滞在型と循環型のメモリーCD8T細胞は完全に独立した機構で維持されることが解った。即ち、肺実質CD8TRMは肺組織内にて恒常性増殖により維持され、長期生存が困難な肺気道に継続的にCD8TRMを供給することで最前線の防御免疫を支えている。また、このCD8TRMの肺気道持続的移行は肺実質にて再活性化時に発現するケモカインレセプターCXCR6により調節されている事も解った。研究成果の概要(英文):Populations of CD8 lung-resident memory T (TRM) cells persist in the interstitium and airways following recovery from respiratory virus infections. While it is clear that CD8 TRM cells in the airways are dynamically maintained via the continuous recruitment of new cells, there is a vigorous debate whether tissue-circulating effector memory T (TEM) cells are the source of these newly recruited cells. Here we definitively demonstrate that CD8 TRM in the lung airways are not derived from TEM in the circulation, but are seeded continuously by TRM from the lung interstitium. This process is driven by CXCR6 that is expressed on TRM, but not TEM. We further demonstrate that the lung interstitium CD8 TRM population is also maintained independently of TEM via a homeostatic proliferation mechanism. Taken together, these data show that lung memory CD8 TRM cells in the lung interstitium and airways are compartmentally separated from TEM and clarify the mechanisms underlying their maintenance., 研究種目:基盤研究(B); 研究期間:2016~2018; 課題番号:16K08850; 研究分野:免疫学; 科研費の分科・細目:, application/pdf}, title = {肺粘膜滞在型メモリーCD8T細胞維持機構の解明}, year = {2019}, yomi = {タカムラ, シキ and モトゾノ, チヒロ and トムラ, ミチオ and フクタマ, サトシ and ミヤザワ, マサアキ} }