@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020677, author = {土井, 勝美 and 日比野, 浩}, month = {}, note = {https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-15K10770/, 研究成果の概要(和文):ROCK inhibitor(塩酸ファスジル)による突発性難聴・内耳虚血に対する新規治療法の確立を目指し、既存治療である副腎皮質ステロイド単独群、副腎皮質ステロイド+塩酸ファスジル群、そして塩酸ファスジル単独群の3群間で治療成績の比較を行った。塩酸ファスジル投与は、塩酸ファスジル60mg/日、9日間点滴静注で行った。ステロイド治療は、コハク酸ヒドロコルチゾンナトリウム500mg・100mg/日を各3日間ずつ、合計9日間点滴静注で行った。厚労省難治性疾患克服事業(高度難聴)調査研究班の判定基準に従い治療成績の判定を行った。副腎皮質ステロイド+塩酸ファスジル群が、最も優れた治療成績を示した。研究成果の概要(英文):Fasudil, a potent Rho-kinase inhibitor, has been reported to reverse the endothelin-induced vasoconstriction of spiral modiolar artery in the gerbil cochlea. We demonstrated that endothelin receptors was expressed in the rat cochlea and that serum endothelin of patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) significantly increased. Since SSHL is believed to arise from vasoconstriction of the spiral modiolar artery, we conducted clinical investigation of fasudil combined with steroid for SSHL treatment to prevent the inner ear ischemia induced by endothelin. The average hearing level was 72.7 dB (n=10) before the fasudil & steroid treatment, 44.9 dB at the end of the fasudil & steroid treatment (9 days after), and 31.9 dB at the final evaluation. The result indicates that SSHL could be caused by vasoconstriction of the spiral modiolar artery in the cochlea by endothelin and that the fasudil & steroid therapy might be warranted as the novel potent treatment for SSHL., 研究種目:基盤研究研究; 研究期間:2015~2018; 課題番号:15K10770; 研究分野:耳鼻咽喉科学; 科研費の分科・細目:, application/pdf}, title = {内耳に発現するRhoA/ROCK pathwayの分子構造と生理機能の解析}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ドイ, カツミ and ヒビノ, ヒロシ} }