@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020643, author = {山口, 健太郎 and 三浦, 研}, month = {}, note = {https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-16K06674/, 研究成果の概要(和文):1.高齢者施設の居室内において、介助者の身体負担度がもっとも高いベッドまわりの介助動作は、前から抱える移乗介助であった。2.高齢者施設の居室内における介助動作空間をまとめると、壁に対してベッドを平行に設置し場合に必要なベッドまわりの広さは、ベッドを含めて奥行3610㎜×間口2687㎜であった。ベッドを垂直に設置した場合には、奥行2579㎜×間口2924㎜が必要となった。また、個室内トイレの最低寸法は、間口寸法1600㎜以上、奥行寸法900㎜以上となり、安全に介助を行うためには間口寸法1800㎜以上、奥行寸法1300㎜以上が必要となった。研究成果の概要(英文):(1) The private room of the facilities for the elderly, the assistance operation with a high degree of physical burden was transfer assistance held from the front. (2) The motion space required for assistance around the bed was as follows. ① The motion space required around the bed was 3610 mm in depth and 2687 mm in frontage including the bed, when the bed was installed parallel to the wall. In addition, the motion space required when the bed was placed vertically was 2579 mm in depth and 2924 mm in frontage. ② When dimensions of toilets were less than 900 mm in depth and 1500 mm in frontage, it is impossible to do excretion assistance. When a wheelchair was placed perpendicular to a toilet, the dimensions that can be assisted without burden was 1300 mm in depth and 1800 mm in frontage. And when a wheelchair was placed parallel, it was 1400 mm in depth and 2000 mm in frontage., 研究種目:基盤研究(C); 研究期間:2016~2018; 課題番号:16K06674; 研究分野:建築計画; 科研費の分科・細目:, application/pdf}, title = {空間・福祉用具の観点から見た高齢者入居施設における腰痛予防に関する研究}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ヤマグチ, ケンタロウ and ミウラ, ケン} }