@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020514, author = {井上, 治}, issue = {2}, journal = {生駒経済論叢, Ikoma Journal of Economics}, month = {Nov}, note = {[概要]本論では,10年ぶりの改定となった TOEIC® リスニング&リーディング テストに関して,Educational Testing Service が作成した,パート3とパート4の改定前の240問と改定後の276問を分析することを通して,問題の難易度にちがいがあるのかどうかをみる。そして,以前に考察した,「パート3とパート4は,3問のセットの1問目だけを解答せよ」という攻略法と,「パート3とパート4の3問のセットの1問目は,選択肢にある名詞のなかで,パート3ならば最初の人のせりふに,パート4ならば出だしから2文目までに最初に出てくる名詞を含む選択肢を選べ」という攻略法が,新形式問題においても,TOEIC ®初級者にとって依然として効果的なものであるかどうかを検証する。 [Abstract] This paper begins by analyzing questions from the Listening Sections III and IV of the TOEIC® test. 240 questions were taken from the old version and 276 questions from the revised version, all created by Educational Testing Service. The motivation for conducting this analysis was the partial revision of the test, which was the first change in ten years. On the basis of the results, I considered if there had been a change in the level of difficulty of the questions, and also whether the strategies outlined below are still effective for beginner level students answering questions on the new TOEIC® Listening & Reading Test. The two strategies are: “Low level students only need to try to answer the first of each three question set.” “For Part III, of all the nouns in the four choices, select the answer containing the noun that is first used by the opening speaker. For Part IV, of all the nouns in the four choices, select the answer containing the noun that is first used in the opening two sentences of the monologue.”, application/pdf}, pages = {21--36}, title = {〈論文〉TOEIC®テスト新形式問題におけるリスニング・セクション パート3・パート4の難易度と初級者のための攻略法を考察する―ETS 作成問題の分析を通して―}, volume = {17}, year = {2019}, yomi = {イノウエ, オサム} }