@phdthesis{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020460, author = {佐藤, 満雄}, month = {Sep}, note = {学位の種類:医学  学位授与年月日:平成30年9月12日  主査:重吉,康史 教授  報告番号:甲第1388号  学内授与番号:医第1271号  Sato MP, Higuchi T, Nin F, Ogata G, Sawamura S, Yoshida T, Ota T, Hori K, Komune S, Uetsuka S, Choi S, Masuda M, Watabe T, Kanzaki S, Ogawa K, Inohara H, Sakamoto S, Takebayashi H, Doi K, Tanaka KF and Hibino H (2017) Hearing Loss Controlled by Optogenetic Stimulation of Nonexcitable Nonglial Cells in the Cochlea of the Inner Ear. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 10:300. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2017.00300 掲載, application/pdf}, title = {Hearing loss controlled by optogenetic stimulation of nonexcitable nonglial cells in the cochlea of the inner ear}, year = {2018}, yomi = {サトウ, ミツオ} }