@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000742, author = {内上, 誠 and Uchigami, Makoto}, issue = {1}, journal = {近畿大学短大論集, The Bulletin of Kindai University Junior College Division}, month = {Dec}, note = {本稿では人口減少が経済成長と景気循環にどのような影響を及ぼすかを考察する。経済成長論では人口成長率がプラスであることが安定均衡の存在に結び付き、景気循環論では景気が回復過程へと進むための条件となっている。もし人口成長率がマイナスとなった場合、安定均衡は消滅し、不安定均衡のみが存在する。一方、景気循環では収縮過程へ入った経済は景気回復過程に入ることなく、衰退を続ける。, In this paper, I consider the effect on economy given by decreasing in population. To begin with Solow model, the model is assumed growing population. But If growth rate of population decreases, then the economy loses the stable equilibrium and only an unstable equilibrium comes out. While in Hicks’ business cycle model, increase in population is a required condition. An increase in population brings about the recovery process. If population is decreased, then the recovery does not emerge. To keep off these accidents, I insist on necessity of increasing productivity.}, pages = {15--24}, title = {人口減少と経済変動}, volume = {56}, year = {2023} }