@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020003, author = {澤畠, 拓夫 and 石倉, 明莉 and 井上, 真紀}, issue = {52}, journal = {近畿大学農学部紀要, MEMOIRS OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE OF KINDAI UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {[Synopsis] We found oviposition on evergreen broad-leaves of Quercus glauca by Japanese gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar in Nara, Western Japan. Six and two egg masses of the moth were observed on the man-made objects and on leaf undersurface of the evergreen broad-leafed tree, Q. glauca, which were planted on the side of the objects, respectively. But no egg mass was found on leaf undersurface of Cinnamomum camphora and Prunus lannesiana Wils. cv. Sekiyama, which were also planted on the side of the structures. The number of egg masses laid on the man-made objects was three times larger than that on leaf undersurface of Q. glauca, but this difference was not statistically significant ones. Relative light intensities at the site of oviposition on the man-made objects and on leaf undersurface of Q. glauca were significantly lower than those on leaf undersurface of C. camphora and P. lannesiana Wils. cv. Sekiyama. These results suggested that Japanese gypsy moth select the man-made objects and leaf undersurface of Q. glauca, where relative light intensities was lower than leaf undersurface of C. camphora and P. lannesiana Wils. cv. Sekiyama as their oviposition sites., application/pdf}, pages = {27--32}, title = {〈原著〉マイマイガの産卵場所としての広葉樹}, year = {2019}, yomi = {サワハタ, タクオ and イシクラ, アカリ and イノウエ, マキ} }