@techreport{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000215, author = {佐野, 到 and Sano, Itaru}, note = {エアロゾル輸送における山岳影響の評価を行った.山岳の東側(松本など)では全ての観測地点において能登などより光学的厚さが小さい(エアロゾル濃度が低い)ことがわかった.黄砂現象の場合,山岳より上空の黄砂は山を超えるが,それ以外は沈着することで,エアロゾル濃度の減少が見られた.5kmメッシュ領域モデル(SCALE-Chem)を用いたエアロゾル輸送実験の結果,西風では山岳遮蔽効果が得られ,松本盆地はエアロゾル濃度減少となり,弱風下では地元から排出されたエアロゾルが盆地部に滞留し,山岳が存在しないときと比べ濃度が高くなることが示された.以上より,山岳がエアロゾル輸送に影響を与えていることが分かった., The goal of this work is to understand the influence of mountain ranges on aerosol transportation based on measurements as well as regional model simulations. Optical properties of aerosols were taken with twelve AERONET instruments deployed at four mountains and eight ground sites in Nagano region in spring of 2020 and in 2021 as DRAGON/J-ALPS project. The aerosol concentration (AOT) in Nagano is smaller than in other areas of Japan. It is found that Asian dust crosses mountain ranges, however, dust at lower elevation is deposited due to existence of mountains. The results of regional model simulations show that westerly winds in the mountain ranges provide a mountain shielding effect. On the other hand, the existed aerosols in the basin can not cross mountain under weak wind conditions, which leads to higher aerosol concentrations. The measurements and simulations have shown that mountain ranges have a significant impact on aerosol transportation., 研究分野:大気リモートセンシング}, title = {エアロゾル輸送における山岳地形効果の解明} }