@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000070, author = {中村, 進 and Nakamura, Susumu}, issue = {2}, journal = {生駒経済論叢, Ikoma Journal of Economics}, month = {Oct}, note = {[要約]17世紀初期に本格的に展開し始めたイギリス製紙業は19世紀中頃まで「絶えず増えつづけるぼろ布不足の問題」に悩まされ続けていた。この原料不足の隘路を突き破らなければ,製紙業は近代的工業に脱皮できなかった。そこで18世紀以来,その原料危機に対応して,製紙業の伝統的な原料であったリンネル(麻)や木綿のぼろ布以外の動植物性の物質を原料とする紙の製造方法が試みられた。これらの実験の報告や製紙業に対する具体的な提案を当時刊行された小冊子や雑誌を資料にして明らかにしたい。結局,リンネルや木綿のぼろ布以外の紙の新原料の発見は19世紀後半に成就されるのであるが,その経過をとおして既存の原料から木材パルプなどの新原料への転換がイギリス産業革命を構成する重要な要因であった事実を明確にする。, The paper industry in England that began to develop actively from the end of the seventeenth century suffered persistently from a shortage of linen and cotton rags which were its main raw materials, with accompanying increases in price till the middle of the nineteenth century. Without dealing with the shortages the industry could not grow into the modern great industry based on the factory system. In the face of such a critical shortage of raw material, the paper industry tried, from the early eighteenth century onwards, to find a new vegetable substance to replace linen and cotton rags. In this paper, I show how new raw materials for paper manufacture were discovered by the middle of the nineteenth century by reference to reports of experiments with new raw materials excluding the use of linen and cotton rags, and by looking at proposals to the paper industry published at that time in England. It was only in the second half of the nineteenth century that, after many attempts to find new materials, the paper industry succeeded in substituting abundantly available esparto and wood-pulp as raw materials for scarce supplies of linen and cotton rags. Therefore, it is possible to suggest that the conversion from old raw materials to new ones was one of the important contributory factors to the industrial revolution in England.}, pages = {31--65}, title = {18世紀および19世紀前半におけるイギリス製紙業の原料問題―トマス=グリーヴズと芸術・工業・商業奨励協会を中心に―}, volume = {5}, year = {2007} }