@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000028, author = {金﨑, 八重 and Kanasaki, Yae}, issue = {1}, journal = {生駒経済論叢, Ikoma Journal of Economics}, month = {Jul}, note = {〔概要〕ミルトンの作品は,初期牧歌詩,中期政治的散文,後期長編叙事詩の三つに分けられている。これまで中期作品時代は,ミルトンは詩人としてではなく政治家としてのみ着目され,詩人ミルトンを論ずるにあたり,初期作品と後期作品の間に大きな断絶があった。本論では,ミルトンが政治活動をしていた時代にもわずかに書いていた詩作品であるソネット群を取り上げ,初期作品群と後期作品群をつなぐ存在としての意義を考察していく。, Milton’s works have been divided into three categories: early pastoral poetry, middle period’s political prose, and late period’s long epic poetry. During the period of Milton’s political activity, Milton had been appreciated as a politician, not as a poet. In discussing Milton as a poet, there has been a big disconnect between his early and late works. In this paper, I will discuss Milton’s sonnets, which are poems he wrote infrequently during the period of his political activities, and examine their significance as a link between his early and late works.}, pages = {1--12}, title = {ミルトンのソネット―閉じられた庭と開かれた世界を繋ぐ作品群―}, volume = {21}, year = {2023} }