@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000026, author = {新開, 潤一 and Shinkai, Junichi}, issue = {1}, journal = {商経学叢, Shokei-gakuso: Journal of Business Studies}, month = {Jul}, note = {[要旨]1990年代以降,日本では賃金が上昇していない。本稿では,労働生産性と平均賃金の成長率に対して要因分解を行い,生産性成長が賃金成長をもたらさなくなった要因について分析する。分析結果から,1990年代以降,製造業における生産性の伸び鈍化や,多くのサービス産業でのマイナス成長が,経済全体の労働生産性成長を鈍化させていた。産業間の雇用シフトに関しては,1990年代以降,相対的に生産性の高い産業への雇用シフトが見られなくなった。平均賃金に関しては,2000年代以降,多くの産業で平均賃金が低下しており,さらに相対的に賃金の低い産業への雇用シフトが経済全体の平均賃金を押し下げていた。, In Japan, wages have not increased since the 1990s. In this paper, we decompose the growth rate of labor productivity and average wages into within effects and reallocation effects, and examine the cause of wage stagnation. Our main results are as follows. Firstly, since the 1990s, the slowdown in manufacturing productivity growth and the decline in service sector productivity have slowed labor productivity growth. Secondly, employment stopped shifting to industries with relatively high productivity, and the positive reallocation effect diminished. Finally, average wages have been declining in many industries since the 2000s, and the employment shift to industries with relatively low wages has lowered the average wages.}, pages = {263--280}, title = {日本の賃金停滞と産業構造変化}, volume = {70}, year = {2023} }