@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000008, author = {瞿, 艶丹 and Qu, Yandan}, issue = {8}, journal = {Journal of International Studies}, month = {Jun}, note = {During the Ming and Qing dynasties, achievement and official positions could not be inherited, and as a result, family status was constantly at risk of downward mobility. For intellectual families whose ancestors had already obtained titles, the imperial examinations were undoubtedly the most regular path. Educating their descendants to study for the imperial examinations became the most important thing to maintain the family’s social status. This paper focusses on the families of Qian Yiji (錢儀吉) and Qian Taiji (錢泰吉) as case studies to explore their respective experiences in teaching their children and the corresponding effects.}, pages = {41--59}, title = {清代中後期學者的課子經驗與效果:以錢儀吉、錢泰吉為中心}, year = {2023} }