@article{oai:kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019857, author = {渡部, 容子 and 國本, 真吾}, issue = {42}, journal = {近畿大学生物理工学部紀要, Memoirs of the Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kindai University}, month = {Oct}, note = {[要旨]2012年、日本政府は、国際人権A規約第13条2項の留保を撤回し、中等教育および高等教育の漸進的無償化への義務を負うこととなった。本稿では「無償教育の漸進的導入」の原理と具体策に関する共同研究の一環として、鳥取県を事例として、保育から高等教育へ至るまでの教育費負担と自治体による支援策の現状を明らかにした。人口減少、18歳における県外への若者の流出、中等後教育機関の不足などへの対策として、同県では第1子からの保育料完全無償化や定住者への奨学金返還助成など先導的な施策を導入しており特筆される。地方においては、その圏域における財政状況および教育・福祉・産業・定住・地域振興等の文脈から独自の施策や動きが存在する。各地域の就学前から義務教育・高校教育を踏まえて、きめ細かく一貫した支援施策を積み上げることが、ひいては高等教育へのアクセスの可能性を広げ、すべての地域で漸進的教育無償化を確実で有意義なものとするであろう。 [Abstract]In 2012, the Japanese Government withdrew its reservation of Article 13(2) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and was obliged to make education free gradually at the level of secondary education and higher education. In this paper, based on the previous research of the principle and measures of "progressive introduction of free education", the latest situation of educational expenses and support measures from childcare until higher education was clarified as a case of Tottori Prefecture, Japan. It is worth noting that Tottori Prefecture has started several leading measures like as not only free childcare fee for all children from the firstborn child, but also student-loan return support for the graduates working in Tottori. These measures were taken to resolve the population decline, the youth outflow from the prefecture at the age of eighteen, and the lack of post-secondary education institutions. In rural areas, there are unique measures and movements depending on their financial situation and from the own context of education, welfare, industry, settlement promotion and regional development. The accumulation of granular and consistent support measures in a good grasp of preschool services, compulsory education and upper secondary education in each area will allow more access to higher education, and progressive introduction of free education will be certainly made meaningful in every region of Japan., application/pdf}, pages = {33--43}, title = {〈Original Papers〉保育・教育費負担の現状と地方自治体による支援策―漸進的教育無償化の視点から鳥取県を事例として―}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ワタナベ, ヨウコ and クニモト, シンゴ} }